Your Syracuse New York Boudoir Photographer
I know exactly what it feels like to be insecure in your body and wish that somehow it was different…better. I’m short. I had a big butt long before Sir-Mix-A-Lot praised them. I had thunder thighs. After two c-sections I have a mom pooch. The list goes on and on, much like yours does. After all, we are our own worst critics, right? But you know what?
One day I stopped and looked at my body in the mirror. Like really looked at her, in all her glory. She has gotten me through 40-something years of use and abuse (I have NOT been nice to my body). She has grown, carried and birthed two incredible humans. She has been the one thing that has been with me from the start and she will be the last thing with me when I go.
It was then that I realized that my body deserved my acceptance, love and respect. I realized that I no longer gave weight to the opinions of others, ESPECIALLY regarding my outward appearance. Don’t like my butt? That’s a you problem, not a me problem. It was then that I realized that if I were to love my body and myself, that I wouldn’t rely on the acceptance of others to “complete” me, but rather to compliment me. Letting go of toxicity in my life became easier and I have since been a better human for myself and those around me.
That’s what Boudoir can do for your. Boudoir can help you to See, Accept, and Love your body for everything that it is and everything that it has done. It can give you a renewed sense of pride and allow you to reconnect with your inner sensuality. It can help you fill your cup so you can be complete on your own.
Let me show you!
These are a few of my
Favorite Things
- Maddie and Quade
- Niko
- Siena and Max
- Noi
- Famiglia
- Sunrises
Let’s Get To Know Each Other
I’d love to learn more about you and your why. What piqued your interest in a Boudoir Photography Session?

See The Traditional Boudoir Gallery

See The Outdoor Boudoir Gallery

See The
Creative Boudoir Gallery
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